IISAdminBase Registration


If the Internet Information Services (IIS) IISAdminBase objects are not registered on the computer running Microsoft® Baseline Security Analyzer (MBSA), as well as on any remote computer being scanned, the IIS-specific security checks cannot be performed. The IISAdminBase objects can be registered by installing the IIS Common Files that are included in the Microsoft® Windows operating system. Note that a full installation of IIS is not required, and just the IIS Common Files can be installed on the computer running MBSA to scan remote IIS servers.


The IIS Common Files must be installed on the computer running MBSA, as well as on any IIS computer being remotely scanned by MBSA. The IIS Common Files can be installed by using the Add/Remove Programs applet in the Control Panel, and choosing the Add/Remove Windows Components option. In the Windows Components window, select Internet Information Services (IIS), and click the Details button. Select the check box for Common Files and click OK. Click Next in the Windows Components window to continue with the installation of the selected IIS components.

Additional Resources

Microsoft Baseline Security Analyzer (MBSA) Is Available (320454)

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